Player Statistics

Minimum of 12 matches and 65% score. Games won by default count towards the number of qualifying games but not the percentage score.

Name Club %
David E Clear North Norfolk 79.17 9½/12
Ailko Van der Veen Broadland 78.57 11/14
Peter D Bond North Norfolk 78.12 12½/16
Jonathan C Wells North Norfolk 73.53 12½/17
Edward T King St Johns Norwich 67.86 9½/14
Andrew S Pandian Norwich Dons 65.38 8½/13

All players in order of points scored

Name Club Win Draw Loss Matches
Peter D Bond North Norfolk 9 7 0 16 78.12 12½/16
Jonathan C Wells North Norfolk 10 5 2 17 73.53 12½/17
Ailko Van der Veen Broadland 10 2 2 14 78.57 11/14
Chris J Tuffin Norwich Dons 5 12 0 17 64.71 11/17
Nigel J Larter St Johns Norwich 10 2 6 18 61.11 11/18
Joseph A Bell St Johns Norwich 8 5 4 17 61.76 10½/17
Richard G Green Kings Lynn 7 7 3 17 61.76 10½/17
David E Clear North Norfolk 8 3 1 12 79.17 9½/12
Edward T King St Johns Norwich 7 5 2 14 67.86 9½/14
Rupert E Guinness Kings Lynn 8 3 5 16 59.38 9½/16
Warren Kingston Lowestoft 7 4 4 15 60.00 9/15
Karthik Saravanan Lowestoft 8 2 7 17 52.94 9/17
Andrew S Pandian Norwich Dons 7 3 3 13 65.38 8½/13
Dean Bavister Fakenham 5 7 5 17 50.00 8½/17
Eric Albrow Lowestoft 6 4 3 13 61.54 8/13
Terry P Glover Norwich Dons 5 6 4 15 53.33 8/15
Les G Gladwell Fakenham 1 13 4 18 41.67 7½/18
Graham R Jones Norwich Dons 4 6 1 11 63.64 7/11
Peter M Hodkinson North Norfolk 4 6 2 12 58.33 7/12
Jonathan R Reeve Broadland 5 4 6 15 46.67 7/15
David M Owen Broadland 3 8 5 16 43.75 7/16
Gregory H Tebble Norwich Dons 4 5 4 13 50.00 6½/13
Maurice J McCormick Norfolk & Norwich 4 5 4 13 50.00 6½/13
Geoff C Elliston Kings Lynn 2 9 3 14 46.43 6½/14
Michael JK White Lowestoft ESCCG 3 7 7 17 38.24 6½/17
Gerry Clayton St Johns Norwich 5 2 1 8 75.00 6/8
Robin IR Wilding Broadland 5 2 2 9 66.67 6/9
Ivan L Hall Martham Mentalists 5 2 6 14 46.15 6/13
Thomas Annison Fakenham 5 2 8 15 40.00 6/15
Nick J Slater Martham Mentalists 3 5 2 11 55.00 5½/10
Bruce Carter Kings Lynn 3 5 6 14 39.29 5½/14
Matthew J Morter Martham Mentalists 3 5 6 15 39.29 5½/14
John G Charman Fakenham 4 3 7 14 39.29 5½/14
Gabriel J Barr Norfolk & Norwich 4 2 2 8 62.50 5/8
Edward Hackford North Norfolk 4 2 4 10 50.00 5/10
Stephen J Cotterell Lowestoft ESCCG 3 4 5 12 41.67 5/12
Adrian D Bell Norfolk & Norwich 2 6 6 14 35.71 5/14
Carl M Morter Martham Mentalists 3 4 8 16 33.33 5/15
Kevin Searle Lowestoft ESCCG 3 4 9 16 31.25 5/16
Sam J Gibbs St Johns Norwich 3 3 2 8 56.25 4½/8
Craig Robertson Lowestoft ESCCG 3 3 5 12 40.91 4½/11
Paul Cox Broadland 2 4 3 9 44.44 4/9
Graham C Plain Lowestoft 3 1 1 5 70.00 3½/5
Matthew R Perry Broadland 2 3 2 7 50.00 3½/7
Ben L Slater Martham Mentalists 3 1 4 8 43.75 3½/8
David W Moore Norfolk & Norwich 2 3 7 12 29.17 3½/12
Harvey W Collins Fakenham 1 4 2 7 42.86 3/7
Phil Sneesby St Johns Norwich 2 1 1 4 62.50 2½/4
David Guttridge Martham Mentalists 1 3 2 6 41.67 2½/6
Gregory P Sargent Kings Lynn 2 1 5 8 31.25 2½/8
John N Bradley North Norfolk 2 0 2 4 50.00 2/4
Jack Walker Norfolk & Norwich 1 2 2 5 40.00 2/5
Thomas W Briggs Norfolk & Norwich 1 2 8 11 18.18 2/11
Lawrence Poll Norfolk & Norwich 0 3 0 3 50.00 1½/3
Colin S Quadling Lowestoft ESCCG 1 1 2 4 37.50 1½/4
Jonathan Burrows Norwich Dons 1 0 0 1 100.00 1/1
Colin R Payne Norwich Dons 1 0 0 1 100.00 1/1
Jim McAvoy Norwich Dons 1 0 0 1 100.00 1/1
Paul ER Badger Broadland 1 0 0 1 100.00 1/1
Trevor J Ansell Fakenham 1 0 0 1 100.00 1/1
Brian J Cunningham St Johns Norwich 1 0 1 2 50.00 1/2
Clive R Donald Kings Lynn 1 0 1 2 50.00 1/2
Marek Zjawiony Lowestoft 1 0 2 3 33.33 1/3
Mark C Pooley Lowestoft 1 0 2 3 33.33 1/3
Charles S Wilson Lowestoft 1 0 3 4 25.00 1/4
Michael Craig Broadland 0 1 0 1 50.00 ½/1
Trevor J Nichols Lowestoft ESCCG 0 1 1 2 25.00 ½/2
Philip J Bartram Norfolk & Norwich 0 1 1 2 25.00 ½/2
Phil Nolan Lowestoft ESCCG 0 0 2 2 0.00 0/2
Steve Buckle Norfolk & Norwich 0 0 4 4 0.00 0/4
Len Wilson Lowestoft 0 0 3 3 0.00 0/3
Virinchi Velchuru Lowestoft 0 0 3 4 0.00 0/3
Pranav Gajawada Lowestoft 0 0 4 4 0.00 0/4
Karl A Boughen Kings Lynn 0 0 1 1 0.00 0/1
Kevin C Barnard Lowestoft ESCCG 0 0 2 2 0.00 0/2
Mark A Nettleton Lowestoft 0 0 1 1 0.00 0/1
Ritchie Downie St Johns Norwich 0 0 1 1 0.00 0/1
Richard C Moreton North Norfolk 0 0 1 1 0.00 0/1
Terry C Tripp Lowestoft ESCCG 0 0 1 1 0.00 0/1