ECF Membership Information

This report only covers games played by a club's teams in events organised by the CCCA (Cambs. County Chess Association) and club events. The membership list used was dated 30 June 2022.

Standard Rapidplay Blitz
Bronze Members
318719G B017457 Browning, Dennis 3 0 0
342174A B028085 Carlile, Ben 2 0 0
300483B B019045 Conlon, James 3 0 0
342335K B028220 Masseron, Claude 19 0 0
301748F B022964 O'Keefe, Tom 1 0 0
321452H B019644 Rhodes, Ben 15 0 0
125317H B028100 Rooney, Brendan 3 0 0
214364B B002863 Tandy, Chris 1 0 0
342380D B028300 Zajaczkowski, Marek 4 0 0
Total Games 51 0 0
Silver Members
317332L S020601 Bengtson, Christian 10 0 0
283325G JS006446 Bin-Suhayl, Ieysaa (Junior) 2 0 0
342334H JS028266 Carver, Gabriel (Junior) 3 0 0
344814K JS030763 Cureton, Jude (Junior) 1 0 0
345779F S031664 Ripardo, Paulo 1 0 0
Total Games 17 0 0
Gold Members
274792D G007398 Blair, Jimmy 10 0 0
293495E G011035 Fisher, Neal 5 0 0
331510B G024506 Lavallin, Ian 1 0 0
291538J G004072 McClennon, David 3 0 0
309822K JG000718 Richards, Alexander (Junior) 1 0 0
341315K G026980 Robinson, Craig 1 0 0
Total Games 21 0 0
Platinum Members
107071L P005068 Bowers, Francis J 18 0 0
Total Games 18 0 0

If a player's membership expired before games were played they will be listed as a non-member for these games. If the member number is shown in red then they are not currently a member. If the member number is highlighted then their membership will expire before the end of the rating year. Putting your cursor over the member number will show the expiry date.