Nominations for Norfolk - League

The games shown were played by players rated above 1640 at the date of the game.

Team Name Rating Guest Appearances
Norfolk and Norwich A Benjamin PQ Collinson 2076
Arasu Ganesan 2119
Daniel Gomez 2072
Stephen LA Orton 2117
Paul P Smith 1997
Michael Taylor 1794
Norfolk and Norwich B Chris Bowler 1950
Cristina Casti 1667
Johnny Danger 1554
James Falvey 1555
Henry Leather 1721
David W Moore 1487
Mark Nicholls 1300
David Scott 1823
Evghenii Sevciuc 1622
Joseph Stringer 1619
Slobodan Svircevic 1893   Norfolk and Norwich A (05/04).
Terry J Turner 1852   Norfolk and Norwich A (11/11).
John A Wood 1893