EACU Marcus Misson Memorial Grand Prix

Summary of Games played by Giovanni B Esuperanzi

Obtain a detailed list of these and other games.

Bury St Edmunds Congress (Weight 1)
23/10/21 Paul H Kenning Loss
23/10/21 Gert De Block Win
23/10/21 Rob Woolacott Loss
24/10/21 Nina P Pert Loss
24/10/21 Peter Stone Win
Points 2
EACU County Championships (Weight 1)
05/12/21 Laurie Pott Draw
05/12/21 Bhramav Rajesh Win
20/02/22 Bhramav Rajesh Draw
20/02/22 James H Aldred Draw
20/03/22 Francois Swiegers Draw
20/03/22 Laurie Pott Draw