Standard Play | Rapid Play | ||||||
Member | ECF Ref | Name | Jan 22 | Aug 21 | Jan 22 | Aug 21 | Club |
140768F | Abbot, M | Stowmarket | |||||
242670F | Addison, Patricia | Stowmarket | |||||
132084B | Allen, Edgar A | Stowmarket | |||||
100377L | Allen, J Franceys | 1585D | Stowmarket | ||||
188462B | Allen, Richard | Stowmarket | |||||
100379D | Allen, Vicky B | 1570D | 1570C | Stowmarket | |||
163176H | Ashman, Claire | Stowmarket | |||||
163033H | Ashman, Graham | Stowmarket | |||||
161735H | Ashman, Mike | Stowmarket | |||||
260484L | Baker, Jason | Stowmarket | |||||
257326L | Balchin, Maurice | Stowmarket | |||||
164862H | Barnes, Kathryn AH | Stowmarket | |||||
B007826 | 128750D | Barratt, John | 1473E | 1473D | Stowmarket | ||
S009777 | 136202B | Bettley, Mark S | 1617C | 1608C | Stowmarket | ||
182898J | Bickers, Jason A | Stowmarket | |||||
181552A | Birch, Kevin | Stowmarket | |||||
181553C | Birch, Mick | Stowmarket | |||||
181554E | Boyles, Ian | Stowmarket | |||||
B028422 | 343503K | Caves, Richard | Stowmarket | ||||
S029716 | 108163K | Chamberlain, Dereck J | 1521F | Stowmarket | |||
108219L | Chapman, B | Stowmarket | |||||
257321A | Clarke, Peter | Stowmarket | |||||
175236E | Darroch-Thompson, D | Stowmarket | |||||
246112C | Davis, Joe | Stowmarket | |||||
903084A | De Beer, Romy | Stowmarket | |||||
298712A | Firman, Ashley | Stowmarket | |||||
S012929 | 257329F | Firman, Ray | 1151D | 1143C | Stowmarket | ||
156638G | Fletcher, Emma M | Stowmarket | |||||
142686C | Fletcher, Thomas S | Stowmarket | |||||
156884L | Fletcher, Timothy L | Stowmarket | |||||
163177K | Forsdyke, Marie | Stowmarket | |||||
280179G | Gowda, Sohan | Stowmarket | |||||
S021444 | 150092C | Green, David P | 1618C | 1645B | Stowmarket | ||
B028538 | 342560F | Hall, Adrian | Stowmarket | ||||
147182L | Hargan, Chris A | Stowmarket | |||||
194255E | Hayhurst, Robert | Stowmarket | |||||
150288J | Hooley, Joanne | Stowmarket | |||||
264748F | Huband, Tim | Stowmarket | |||||
245572K | Huband, Tom | Stowmarket | |||||
903074J | Hull, Frances | Stowmarket | |||||
903090G | Hull, Natalie | Stowmarket | |||||
313620G | Ingerslev, E John | Stowmarket | |||||
S006838 | 296198C | Irwin, James | 1820C | 1825B | 1668F | Stowmarket | |
181562D | Jennings, Jane | 1315E | 1315D | Stowmarket | |||
181563F | Jones, Rob | Stowmarket | |||||
113906L | Jones, Steven | Stowmarket | |||||
287744C | Kellichner, Jay | Stowmarket | |||||
140780G | Kirkwood, E | Stowmarket | |||||
114144C | Lawrence, N | Stowmarket | |||||
903081F | Lewis, Sian | Stowmarket | |||||
G014907 | 151917H | Lewis, Stephen | 1953B | 1953A | Stowmarket | ||
161748F | Lewis, Tony | Stowmarket | |||||
257325J | Linnett, Robert | Stowmarket | |||||
191418C | Long, Danny | Stowmarket | |||||
B015696 | 114679J | Lunn, Timothy | 2098C | 2103C | Stowmarket | ||
S016379 | 302567G | Mackintosh, William | 1052D | 1060B | Stowmarket | ||
174749G | Middleton, Alastair | Stowmarket | |||||
140634G | Miller, Patrick | Stowmarket | |||||
147981H | Parrott, Nicholas | Stowmarket | |||||
245557C | Peacock, Ashley | Stowmarket | |||||
140704B | Peters, AA | Stowmarket | |||||
156678H | Player, Emily L | Stowmarket | |||||
140788A | Player, John | Stowmarket | |||||
298731E | Porter, Timothy | Stowmarket | |||||
194125C | Prior, Tom | Stowmarket | |||||
156680F | Redmore, Sam | Stowmarket | |||||
170629K | Rees, Joanna | Stowmarket | |||||
296702K | Roberts, Sammy | Stowmarket | |||||
JS007262 | 302097G | Rochford, Jenni | 1323E | 1300E | Stowmarket | ||
161759L | Schofield, Mike | Stowmarket | |||||
183697D | Sharman, Damian | Stowmarket | |||||
221275E | Stone, Amy | Stowmarket | |||||
187451C | Thixton, Robert | Stowmarket | |||||
153284E | Trawford, Jan | Stowmarket | |||||
147971E | Trawford, Tamsin | Stowmarket | |||||
147967C | Watts, Richard J | Stowmarket | |||||
121334K | Weinhold, KM | Stowmarket | |||||
140716J | Woods, Daniel | Stowmarket | |||||
290321A | Yarnton, Daniel | Stowmarket | |||||
293140A | Young, Bethany | Stowmarket | |||||
254551C | Young, Gareth | Stowmarket | |||||
300670A | Young, Harry | Stowmarket |
Ratings. * after a rating indicates an estimated rating has been provided for the player.
Membership. A member number in red indicates the membership has expired, and one highlighted shows it expires before the end of the rating year. Pointing to the member number will display the last month of membership. Information from membership list dated 30 June 2022.