Diss Chess Club
Standard Play Rapid Play
Jan 2014 Aug 2013 Jan 2014 Aug 2013
Member ECF Ref Name Cat Grade Cat Grade Cat Grade Cat Grade Club
G14166 111899H Hall, Antony C X 164 X 164 * (8) 149 * 149 Diss
S24679 112174B Harris, Michael C 203 B 209 * (31) 207 D 207 Diss
G06938 114029C Lamont, Richard A 158 A 171 * (3) 189 * 189 Diss
B18565 115369K McNaughton, Michael F B 139 C 144 * (4) 148 * 148 Diss
G14185 174888K Turner, Caius AW C 196 C 200 * (2) 169 * 169 Diss
S14184 120707G Turner, Terry J A 181 A 174 * (18) 183 E 175 Diss
B14146 127015B Wood, Robert E C 164 B 169 * (8) 178 * 178 Diss
B21963 292083K Zhang, Mark B * (8) 114 * 114 * (2) 52 * 52 Diss

Grades.Est. indicates an estimated grade has been provided for the player.The figure after a category of * is the number of games playedin the last 3 years. The grade given after a * category shouldnot be taken as an estimated grade without confirming it withthe event organiser.

Membership.A member number inredindicatesthe membership has expired, and onehighlightedshows it expires before the end of the grading year.Pointing to the member number will display the last month of membership.Information from membership list dated 1 September 2014.