2009 2008 2009 Rapidplay 2008 Rapidplay
ECF Ref Name Cat Grade Cat Grade Cat Grade Cat Grade
100377L Allen, J Franceys D 111 D 114
100379D Allen, Vicky B C 109 A 125
128750D Barratt, John E 120 E 128 * (2) 118 * 118
136202B Bettley, Mark S B 131 C 139 * (6) 123 D 136
257329F Firman, Ray E 97 C 87
147182L Hargan, Chris A * (31) 108 C 108
264748F Huband, Tim D 82 C 87
245572K Huband, Tom C 156 A 150
181562D Jennings, Jane B 90 A 99
151917H Lewis, Stephen B 147 C 135 E 151 E 144
161750D Mitchell, Barry E 119 C 119 * (6) 127
180723H Nolan, Gerry C 144 B 141
273644F Wilden, Martin C 137 D 141 * (2) 51 * 51

The figure after a category of * is the numberof games played in the last 3 years.